Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pipette Tip Uses Continued

Previously, Inventive Laboratory Practices investigated alternative uses for Rainin pipette tips in a laboratory setting. This has sparked correspondence from other labs, and in collaboration with Dr. Bonnie Barrilleaux at UC Davis, we wish to present an updated list of pipette tip uses.

Figure 1 - Rainin P1000 tip used as an autoclavable sheath for forceps

  • P1000-sized tips can be readily used as autoclavable sheaths for items like tweezers, forceps, and scissors. This allows continued sterility of the item, while also protecting delicate ends from damage (Figure 1)
  • Larger tips can again be used as adapters to connect Pasteur pipettes to vacuum hoses, allowing easy connect / disconnect of the Pasteur pipette, while maintaining a secure seal. (Figure 2)

Figure 2 - Closeup of connection between glass Pasteur pipette, plastic P1000 tip, and rubber vacuum hose

  • We also report that these tips can be used as quick, sterile scoops for small amounts of reagent. This is especially true for reagents that are A) difficult to deal with by hand, such as sodium hydroxide, or B) easily damaged by tweezers, such as protease inhibitor tablets.

Investigation into these useful lab items is still underway. For correspondence, please contact 

Thanks to UC Davis Postdoctoral Fellow Bonnie Barrilleaux for the tips! (pun very intended)

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