About Us

Inventive Laboratory Practices celebrates all types of MacGyvering, rigging and hacking, not to mention just "making it work." We are a collection of Ph.D. students from multiple disciplines of hard science, comprised mainly of biochemists and organic chemists who in no way use this blog to procrastinate. Our goal is to make a laboratory more functional and powerful by using the materials already at our fingertips. Instead of throwing it away, we seek to find a use for it, and then we post about it here. 

What we're looking for

Your ideas! Have a useful "lab hack?" Send it our way, we'd love to hear from you. 

What we're not looking for

Your very-complicated method of making your niche project work. Seriously, congratulations, but we're looking for broad-scale applications of every-lab things. Publish that stuff instead. 

How to contact us

You can email us at our temporary address, soopaflysa@gmail.com, or post in our comments.

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