Thursday, August 2, 2012

Starting With the Obvious

Pipette tips are a ubiquitous feature in most laboratories, especially those in the biological sciences. They have a number of useful applications other than their intended function. Herein, we demonstrate just a few of the many ways these common lab items can be utilized.

Figure 1 - Wash Bottle Nozzle - A single Rainin P1000 tip, attached to the spray outlet of a standard laboratory wash bottle. This serves to direct and accelerate the flow of water from the bottle.

Pipette tips, due to their useful size, can be implemented in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

  • Connectors to link rubber tubing together (works best if you cut off part of the tapered end)
  • Box openers to rip through tape (200 uL tips work best)
  • TLC plate spotters (10 uL tips are recommended, but unverified)
Further investigation into the uses for pipette tips is still underway, and submissions are welcomed.
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